There is a lot of money hidden in your real estate - Use it!
Every person goes through different phases of living in life. The home of one's own is often perceived as the highest goal in which one would also like to spend one's old age. But at some point you reach an age when you notice that the demands on your home are changing again, and that the home of your own that you have longed for is increasingly a burden.
We at Graf Immobilien are aware of your worries and problems and therefore provide you with comprehensive advice on your property at an advanced age. We will tell you what possibilities you have and what is in store for you. Trust in more than 20 years of experience in the Munich real estate market.
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Topics around the real estate in old age
When real estate becomes a burden in old age
The real estate can bring not only happiness in old age, but can also become a burden - these are the options you have then.
Learn moreReal estate evaluation at the sale of a house
No matter what kind of real estate you want to sell - at the beginning there is always the real estate evaluation - also when selling a house.
To the evaluationLife annuity - sell and stay
Sell the property and stay in it? No problem with the life annuity!
DetailsWhat to do after the sale of a real estate?
You have sold your property in old age - but how can you continue afterwards?
In a nutshell: When you retire, you sell your property, but can continue to live in it. In addition, the proceeds from the property are usually not paid as a one-off payment, but as a monthly instalment - as a supplementary pension, so to speak.
However, there are various models for implementing such a pension:
No matter whether life annuity, temporary annuity, usufructuary right or any other form of real estate annuity. We at Graf Immobilien are well acquainted with property annuities in Munich and can advise you competently and reliably on this subject. You can rely on more than 20 years of experience in the Munich property market.
With a life annuity, you receive a monthly pension for the rest of your life and the right to live there for this duration. Although the house has already been sold, it does not become the property of the buyer until after your death.
This form of real estate annuity is especially interesting for people with a small pension, who can increase it in this way. You do not have to move, get money, and do not have to think about what to do with the property after your death.
One disadvantage, however, is that the value of the property has already been exhausted, so you cannot inherit anything. However, it is possible to include a least term in the contract, so that in case of early death their heirs can continue to receive the pension amount.
With the temporary annuity, you do not receive the annuity for life, but only for a limited period. The purchase price is therefore fixed in advance and then paid to the seller in installments, regardless of the seller's death. If the seller dies before the full payment is made, the heirs will still receive the annuity until the purchase price is paid off.
With the time annuity, the right of residence does not apply for life, but only as long as the annuity is also paid. After that, you must move out of your property. This form of real estate annuity is therefore more suitable for people who do not necessarily need the additional pension and already have a plan for the time after moving out.
Another option for annuitizing real estate is the usufructuary right. Here you receive a one-off amount when you sell the house, but if the usufructuary right is agreed, you may continue to use the property. This means that not only are you allowed to live in it until you die, but you can also rent it out and benefit from the income if you move into a nursing home, for example. The usufructuary right can apply to the entire property or only parts of it.
For example, if you have a property with a lodger apartment, you can sell the property and agree a usufructuary right for the lodger apartment and thus continue to use it. The new owner then takes possession of the rest of the property. The usufructuary right is often used in the course of a donation.
You can also combine the different models and, for example, contractually specify the usufruct in the case of a life annuity. It is also conceivable to have only part of the purchase price paid out as an annuity and to receive part of it as a one-off payment.
It is also possible to delay the start of the annuity payment, so that the property is already sold but the annuity payment does not start until a later date, or to transfer the property at a later date.
No matter whether life annuity, time annuity, usufructuary right or another form of real estate annuity. We at Graf Immobilien are familiar with real estate annuities in Munich and can advise you competently and reliably on this topic. Trust in more than 20 years of experience in the Munich real estate market.
Especially important for the successful sale of your property: the property evaluation. And here, too, we have acquired outstanding expertise through our decades of work in the Munich real estate market. This enables us to determine a realistic market value for your property and turn it into a satisfactory sales price.
With us, you get real values with a property evaluation from a regional real estate agent.

At an advanced age, you are often faced with the challenge of having to make ends meet with limited financial resources. If high medical costs are incurred, a repair to the house is necessary or you want to support your grandchildren financially, it is almost impossible to cope.
The sale of your property could free up the necessary financial resources. However, you have lived in your own four walls all your life and are certainly reluctant to give up your familiar surroundings.
We have the solution The real estate life annuity! Sell your property, but still stay living in it.
Read all about it in our brochure on the Real Estate Annuity
You should seek advice especially when you are planning to retire your property. It is very important that the purchase contract contains all important clauses, for example a fallback clause if the buyer is not solvent in the long term. This can become a problem, especially with private sellers.
We at Graf Immobilien wil check the buyer for you and secure you. Thanks to our many years of experience, we have the necessary know-how to advise you whether a property retirement is the right thing for you and whether your property is suitable for it. We help you to find the right model for your property retirement and a reputable provider. With us, your property will remain a success story even in old age.
Our partner – The German life Annuity
To ensure that you are fully covered when it comes to retirement, we work together with the German market leader in life annuities. The expertise of Deutschen Leibrente on the one hand, and our experience as a real estate agent in Munich on the other - this guarantees you the best possible result.
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What our customers appreciate most about our work is our competence, quickness and helpfulness. But also our professionalism in the support and during the handling of the sales process as well as our commitment are mentioned again and again.
You too can benefit from our competence and sales talent and make a non-binding & free consultation appointment now.
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